Tuesday, September 13, 2011


How easy it is to be thankful when our children are healthy and happy. How easy it is to be proud of the A's and the lengthy Bible verse memorizations, the touchdowns and field goals, the hefty plates of food they inhale, and the artwork hanging above the stairwell. But in the tender moments of worry and in the tired sighs of late-night motherhood come the strongest sentiments of all. 

After being up for the past few nights with a sick child, I sat down to write, and could only think one thing:  Lord, I just want to thank You for Your blessings. 

My mind goes back to when my firstborn was only a few months old. He was quite the little night owl, and so his mother was quite the tired little chickadee...One night as I was holding him in our living room, bouncing him, patting his back, singing to him, crying along with him, praying he would just give up and fall asleep, these words began spilling out of me, making a beautiful lullaby. This simple reminder that God had given me. That, in all of our crying chaos and my exhausting efforts, I was forgetting how truly blessed I was.

Lord, I just want to thank you for your blessings
You have been so very good to me
Lord, I just want to thank you for your blessings
And never let them slip my memory

Though sometimes you know I seem ungrateful
For the things you have done for me
But I just want to stop right now and thank you, Lord
For the blessings that I can and cannot see.

The smiling eyes of a tiny baby
A home that's filled with love
Oh, I just want to stop right now and thank you, Lord
I could never thank you enough. ~C

And the next morning, in the light of a brand new day, the last verse was penned and the beautiful lullaby became one of my favorite, catchy little songs. 

I look outside and a brand new day is dawning
Once again you let me breathe and wake
And I just want to stop right now and thank you, Lord
For giving me the joy of one more day.~C

This morning, my youngest's fever has broken and she's sleeping peacefully. And as I sit here writing and yawning and wishing for just a little more rest, the sunshine reminds me once again...Lord, I just want to thank You for Your blessings...and never let them slip my memory.

1 comment:

  1. You have such a way with words Caroline! Yes, we should never forget how truly blessed we are and we should be Thankful!
