Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Splashes of enchantment and sprinkles of romance...
The beauty of creation shines in every raindrop's dance. 
The God, whose tender hand can stretch across the mighty sky, 
has surely told the rain to fall, to tell me He is nigh.   ~C
The mist. The breeze. The warm smell of the air. Golden locks curl up against happy, shining cheeks. One hand grips a pink umbrella, while the other holds tightly to her mother. Feet that cannot possibly stop dancing wiggle inside her splattered rain boots. Rainy days are indeed enchanting. 
And God's great gift of timing...God who, in the beginning, drew this earth up out of the waters, now sees our land. God sees our fields. God sees our backyards. And God sees our hearts. He's washing away our yesterdays and our disappointments. He's washing away our sorrows. And He's sprinkling us with misting mercies and renewing drops of grace. Let us turn our faces upward, grab hold of His outstretched hand, soak up His love and forgiveness, and let our feet dance for joy.


  1. Yay! Another blog for me to enjoy! Keep those beautiful words coming! I pray you are having a lovely week. It seems like forever since I've seen you! ~ Connie

  2. Thank you! You just removed one of my primary motivations to log onto Facebook. I'm so glad you have your own blog now! jr :)

  3. It's about time one of us started blogging :-) I think there's a writer in all of us; only the bravest ever attempt to go public with it. Here's wishing you the best, and the encouragement to keep them coming!

  4. Beautiful and inspiring! Reminds me of the songs/hymns: Let The Dew of Heaven, There Shall Be Showers of Blessings, In His Time.
    God bless you and this endeavor!

