Monday, May 14, 2012

I Saw Joy

I saw a man the other day
who had but just one leg.
The other was a metal frame
that ended in a peg.

I saw him as I sang for folks;
I watched him from the stage.
I wondered if he knew he was
the object of my gaze.

At first I felt such pity for
the man, but in a while,
I noticed that his old face shone
with a constant smile.

I saw upon his face a joy;
uninterrupted bliss.
I had to ponder reasons for 
a happiness like this.

I wondered if he'd fought a war.
Had he struggled overseas?
Or had he battled cancer or
some other cruel disease?

Had he overcome it all
to sit here just this way?
Had he met the One who gave
him every breath to pray?

Did he love our music?
Did he pick or play or sing?
Did he have a grandchild?
Did he wear a wedding ring?

I wondered as I stood before
this man whose hands were raised,
if I could just inspire him
who'd seen the darker days.

And then the joy I saw in him
swept o're me like the sea;
For this man with but one leg
had just inspired me.

And as we sang, down in my heart,
a rhapsody was put,
Because I saw a man whose joy
could tap his metal foot.

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